The Ph.D. in Quantitative Biosciences is designed to give graduates training in the quantitative analysis of problems in the biosciences – spanning foundational advances in dynamics, patterns, and interactions, alongside applications to challenges in human health, energy, and the environment. The requirements include:
- a program of study in core biosciences and quantitative modeling courses;
- a coherent interface "minor" course of study;
- a minimum of two group rotations in the first year;
- an English writing class;
- a Thesis Proposal;
- at least one scientific paper in which the student played a central role, accepted for publication or indexed on a preprint server (eg, bioRxiv);
- a written Ph.D. thesis and public defense of that thesis.
The QBioS student’s written thesis proposal satisfies Georgia Tech’s requirement for a written qualifying exam. The QBioS student’s oral defense of their thesis proposal satisfies Georgia Tech’s requirement for an oral qualifying exam. Georgia Tech requires that all doctoral students maintain a 3.0 grade point average. There is no foreign language requirement.