Events Archive

Interested students of all majors are invited to attend!
Interested students of all majors are invited to attend!
Interested students of all majors are invited to attend!
QBioS Student, Leo Wood, presents his thesis proposal, Integration of sensory streams into a coordinated, precise, and robust hawkmoth flight motor program.
Reaction-Diffusion and Cardiac modeling with applications to defibrillation
Automated Behavioral Profiling in Naturalistic Underwater Environments
QBioS Student Aaron Pfennig presents his thesis proposal, "Theoretical and empirical population genetics of admixture and introgression."
QBioS student, Ethan Wold, presents his thesis proposal, "Elasticity, actuation, and energy flow in insect flight."
QBioS New Student Orientation includes a program overview for incoming students, plus a poster session and lunch for the QBioS Community.
Identifying Microbial Biomarkers of Cystic Fibrosis Health and Disease
Includes student award winners, new graduate reflection, faculty speaker, and picnic.
Emergence of Marine Biogeochemical Dynamics Across Scales Drive by Complex Microbial and Viral Communities
The Biomechanical Role of Hyaluronan in Cell Adhesion and Migration
Methods for model reduction in cardiac dynamics
Using heuristic derived features in machine learning to recommend post translational modifications for experimental study