QBioS Hands-On Modeling Workshop 2019

Welcome to a series of unfortunately fortunate events: a game in which killing leads to cooperation and separation leads to togetherness. In this hands-on workshop, you will take the reins as you apply game theory to simulate and witness the paradoxical lifestyle of microbial communities. And no, you won’t need a microscope to do it!

The students of the Georgia Tech Ph.D. in Quantitative Biosciences and Program Director Joshua Weitz invite you to a two-day hands-on modeling workshop on microbial games. During the workshop, attendees will learn the basics of programming using MATLAB and Python. They will also learn about microbial games and how to build their own simulations.  (Registration is now closed).

https://www.qbios-workshop-2019.com/(link is external)

Event Date/Time: 

Monday, May 13, 2019 - 08:30

Event End: 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 15:00